Those gifts laid the foundation for the Transparent Closet that now occupies nearly 4,000 square feet of space to receive, sort, and store donations. It’s a vibrant, safe space for all, and exists now in ways that we never dreamed could be possible.
Transparent Closet is a free clothing boutique for youth, teens, and young adults who are transitioning or gender exploring. Today, the closet offers clothing, shoes, jewelry, binders, and more. Everything in the closet is free and offers a place for youth and young adults to shop and try on clothes that is safe.
Clothing donations are needed for the closet to function. Donations can be left during closet hours or you can call to schedule a time to drop off. Clothes must be clean and stain free when dropped off. You can deliver clothing in small boxes or small bags. We also need new items like underwear, bras, undershirts, makeup, and socks. Monetary donations can be made here.
The Transparent Closet is open for shoppers or to receive donations during the following hours. If you are interested in coming outside of the scheduled hours, please call or email us at
Sunday: 12pm – 2pm
Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday: 12pm – 2pm
Wednesday: CLOSED
Thursday: 12pm – 2pm
Friday: CLOSED
Saturday: 2pm – 4pm (1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays of the month) 1pm-5pm (2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month)
The Closet is also available by appointment.