
Post date: 09/27/2023 | FCC KATY | News

Katy church hosts Pride Bingo Night to raise money for transgender youth

On Saturday, the LGBTQ+ community came together to host a Pride Bingo Night event to raise money for transgender youth.

The event was held at the First Christian Church in Katy.

For most of the evening, the event was positive and peaceful until protesters showed up. KPRC 2 captured two people being detained by law enforcement.

Last year, the church hosted a similar event where hundreds of supporters and protesters expressed their views.

Pride supporters stood outside the church holding signs and waving pride flags.

The Drag Bingo event was all about transgender youth and raising money for the church’s Transparent Closet and the addition of a new youth safe space. Several LGBTQ+ people and activists showed their support.

Original article appears on Click 2 Houston website >

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